Sounds very lovely!! Gear is critical. No amount of gear gets me through heat but cold is a different story!

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Very true. Also, I find that once I'm out and moving around, I generally warm up.

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I have recipes in my poetry cookbook (I Eat My Words) you might like for winter, including cakes both easy and advanced. I like cake because it last a bit longer than cookies in my house. Also cookies are labor intensive, imo. I don't drink, but hot chocolate is always good, right? Can you add alcohol to hot chocolate? That would be easy-ish.

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Ooh, a boozy hot chocolate sounds lovely.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Robyn Ryle


I am feeling your words. We do indeed need a time of rest, especially in winter, as darkness falls so early. I love the napping after reading, feeding my body comfort food during my self imposed hibernation, and the stillness of the garden. I am inspired to try walking outside every day. This audio version was great. I have missed your voice!

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Thanks, Denise! I can get myself up off the couch to walk in winter sometimes by remembering a line from Annie Dillard--"Winter reveals what summer conceals." What can I see in winter that's hidden in the dense, leafiness of summer?

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robyn Ryle

Oh how true! The leaves have fallen from the trees. We just discovered a huge paper wasp nest hanging from the edge of a branch. Summer home for thousands of bees.

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Very cool.

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Nov 21, 2023Liked by Robyn Ryle

A good winter drink could be an Irish coffee (coffee, Irish whiskey, and sugar mixed and then topped with cream). You could make the coffee decaf. I enjoyed Irish coffees when I was (much) younger but after a couple, it was a strange sensation to be wired and tipsy.

I do love your list of why you are looking forward to winter. All very good reasons.

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That sounds delicious. I've never gotten into Irish coffee, probably because I'm not a big coffee drinker. But I could do some whiskey or bourbon in a cuppa Irish breakfast or Earl Grey. Why not?

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Robyn Ryle

Why not indeed? :-)

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Robyn Ryle

A version of espresso martini made with hot coffee(or tea, maybe) with Kailua and vodka. Like Irish coffee sort of but w/o the whiskey.

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We are going to have to experiment with this, perhaps extensively.

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