I’m a big believer in strategic quitting on things destroying your life. I even wrote a piece on my Substack you might enjoy...

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Cool! I'll check it out.

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I quit gaining weight and then quit losing weight and then quit gaining weight and then quit losing weight and then.......

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That is an endless merry-go-round, isn't it?

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I like this. Just about a year ago today I quit my job. It didn’t stick they decided to negotiate with me and create a situation under which I would stay. But during the month when I had quit it was like laying down a burden and the job became so much easier. So I can see how quitting at writing if you could just set the burden down and say OK I’m not riding anymore would lighten the load so that it would be easier to write. It’s tricky. I keep saying I need to get back to that feeling with my job without actually quitting

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Ah, the quitting in your head. Or have you read about quiet quitting, which is sort of like that? Stepping back from all the extra, unstated expectations that go along with a job. There is a great relief, a big exhale, that comes with allowing yourself to quit.

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