This is wise advice that I could use. I have taken up hand-tool woodworking as a hobby, and find that the largest time sink BY FAR is in overcoming my mental barrier to EACH next step. The farther I have progressed with a piece the more daunting it is to contemplate screwing it up, and the options for doing so are seemingly infinite. While I don't like to, I have the option of practicing on a "sacrificial board," as woodworkers call it. Harder to do in your case!
Oh, this is such a familiar feeling, Margaret, and one of the hardest parts of writing. You write a whole draft and then you're afraid that with each edit, you're making it worse and not better. And, yes, there are SO MANY ways to screw it up. I don't have a sacrificial board, but I do save many, many versions of each draft and each deleted section, just in case. Thanks for reading and commenting!
This is wise advice that I could use. I have taken up hand-tool woodworking as a hobby, and find that the largest time sink BY FAR is in overcoming my mental barrier to EACH next step. The farther I have progressed with a piece the more daunting it is to contemplate screwing it up, and the options for doing so are seemingly infinite. While I don't like to, I have the option of practicing on a "sacrificial board," as woodworkers call it. Harder to do in your case!
Oh, this is such a familiar feeling, Margaret, and one of the hardest parts of writing. You write a whole draft and then you're afraid that with each edit, you're making it worse and not better. And, yes, there are SO MANY ways to screw it up. I don't have a sacrificial board, but I do save many, many versions of each draft and each deleted section, just in case. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Cheers to the old adage,
“Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained!”
I am looking forward to your newest publication!
Exactly! Thanks, Ann!
🙌🏻🙀😺😽🥴😃🙀😁🥰📝👏🏻 all of the emojis!!!
Thanks for this post! Baby steps!! (Reminds me of the hilarious movie, “What About Bob!?”)
Oh my gosh, I love that movie and haven't seen it in ages! Need to watch it again now!
It's hilarious, and also kind of helpful!! :)