(First off, I really do love this picture of you!) The pandemic has gifted me with about 10 extra pounds and a horrid laziness when it comes to getting back to the gym to get rid of said pounds. I hope, as you say, it doesn't have to be permanent!

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Thanks, Stephanie! So hard to get out of the house sometimes...to walk or go to the gym or even get the mail. Surely warmer weather will help. Thanks for reading!

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People much smarter than I have written at length about how virii (I know it’s not a real word, but I love it so) are some of the strongest trail markers of human evolution. This pandemic, like all the ones that came before it, had tragic consequences for humanity but it is part of life on this rock. By and large the physical impacts to the surviving individual will likely be relatively small: weird cardiac events, some odd brain shrinkage that may or may not be permanent, another card for the genomic deck that is nearly 10% viral fragments at this point.

But societally I think we’ll be seeing and feeling changes for decades. Masks will be commonplace during flu season, I hope, and physical touch will be more precious than it was. The casual handshake or hug when passing a friend on the street will last longer, and smizing has been elevated to an art form. Work is forever changed. That’s a shift that has been needed for about 15 years but the pandemic just forced the issue.

We’re living in interesting times, the most terrible curse of all.

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Agree with Stephanie, love the picture and the NewBlueDo.

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Thanks, Ann!

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I read; appreciate your work; like your hairdo; don't know how I've faired the last 2 years .

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Thanks, Sandy.

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