Beautifully said. I agree. You hit the nail on the head as far as allowing emotions to just do their thing; not taking them personally. I practice Buddhist meditation as well (I’m on/off; off at the moment) and it really helps with this. I need to read Brene Brown--I’ve heard about her books for years and still haven’t. For a long time I also didn’t know what I was feeling. Sometimes I still don’t. Emotions can be subtle and slippery and unconscious. Getting sober 12 years ago helped a great deal. Your post is very valuable; I really needed to hear it tonight, actually. Are you familiar with Rumi’s poem The Guest House?

Michael Mohr

‘The Incompatibility of Being Alive’


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I like the wheel. I think most of us don't understand how the outer rung ladders up and mis-interpret a lot of our own feelings...In a rapidly changing society with a ton of stranger ambiguity (interactions with minimal context on the interlocutors), it can be very easy to mis-interpret social interactions. Emotions = interpretations of social life. Goffman should have written more about the emotional layer.

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