this was perfect. took the words right out of my brain

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Thanks! So easy to get lost on here in the white noise of grow, grow, grow.

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It zaps all the joy right out of it

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Like you, my grandma was a real baker. She did everything by feel. I honestly don't know if she even had measuring cups or measuring spoons. I know for sure she didn't own a kitchen scale. She tried to teach me to make bread, but "until it feels right," didn't help me when I had no idea what I was feeling for. Ha. She did succeed in teaching me to make pie crusts somehow. Thanks for writing this today and reminding me how important it is to trust oneself, whether in writing newsletters, baking, or life in general.

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You're welcome! Oh, I am still working on pie crusts, to be honest. I can do a pretty good galette dough and a hit-or-miss pot pie topping. But, woof, pie crust.

That 'feel' comes from fucking up many, many times, which is how we become good at anything, really.

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Yes to all of this, Robin. Thanks for articulating it so well!

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Gah, sorry, Robyn

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You're welcome and thanks for the correction.

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I love all of this. Both the flour and the way you are using Substack, which I use in much the same way - and sometimes feel conflicted about.

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Oh, that’s interesting. What’s the conflicted part, if you feel like sharing? I do, of course, feel like I’m not doing Substack “the right way.” But I feel that about almost everything. And I should know better--I’m a sociologist. I know it’s all made up and there is no right way. It’s also easy to forget that and have to remember, over and over.

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Thanks. It's something like, the parts of me that want a big audience, or success (whatever that means) vs parts that want to write without any agenda or without being constrained by topics etc.

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Oh, yes. Right there with you.

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Amazon tells me my book is on the way. At least something is.

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Fingers crossed!

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Fair Game arrived today! Glad to start reading it. We'll have pleasure of knowing we were the first 403 and 14!

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I do not weigh my flour!! I read this as I sipped my instant espresso (not supposed to be good but is good. Like not weighing flour), before I shuffle off to start my day of baking. Your essay made me happy. It made me want to go write something.

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I consider that the final word on weighing flour. Here's to all the things that are not supposed to be good, but definitely are! Glad I made you want to write.

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Thoughtful on multiple fronts, Robyn. I haven’t made the move to Substack in part because I enjoy writing about whatever tickles my fancy (as my grandmother would say) and I’m just comfortable writing where I am. Agree with you that there is so much great writing on the platform, but also appreciate your thinking on why it is more challenging for someone like you. Trust yourself - good advice!

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Thanks, David. I like writing about whatever tickles my fancy, too. That’s just the way I am--an eclectic thinker. Hope there’s space for that on Substack, too.

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I think learning to trust yourself is where the magic happens. I want to grow my Substack and write a book but I’m only willing to follow the “expert” advice within the confines of what feels good for me (spent too many years looking to others for the answers when I had them all along but didn’t believe it.)

Congrats on 400+ subscribers!

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Thanks so much for reading and posting! I think you're exactly right about the magic that comes from trusting yourself and staying within the confines of what feels good. I have to keep reminding myself of that over and over, as the world will whisper in your ear that there's one 'right' way to do it and it isn't your way. Good luck with your Substack and book writing.

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Oh, yes...the whisper that feels more like a shriek sometimes. I just keep practicing tuning it out.

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"If I want to talk about baking one day and gender inequality in sports the next and the female grackle that hopped around me while I was in our backyard the other day, that’s what I’ll do."

This is exactly why I like it here. ❤️

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Me, too.

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Thank you for this it’s so encouraging and I firmly agree with your sentiment. I too like writing what I feel like and even with my trying to theme each week so I have different topics each month I’m finding myself getting hemmed in. I think there’s something to be said for simply writing what is currently sparking an interest in you as it always resonates with at least someone! Keep up the fab work x

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That's what I figure. I'm probably not the only person thinking about this thing at any given moment. And I've always struggled with confining myself to one topic. The world is too wide and wonderful to only talk about one thing. Or maybe I just don't have that discipline? I don't care. I have to do what feels good to me. Glad this post helped you and thanks for commenting.

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