I take a pill.

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You crack me up!

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100% agree. Writing ALWAYS helps 👌👌

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It does. It's just so hard sometimes to make myself sit down and do it. Especially when I'm feeling restless, because the idea that sitting still and doing something will solve that is a little counter-intuitive.

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When I can manage it, permission to actually slob out for a while. A nap. A walk around the garden with my dogs. A cuppa. A small chore. And yes, writing!!!

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Slobbing out! I love it! A good book and a cuppa is often a good solution to my restlessness, though sometimes I think when I'm restless, all the books seem not good enough.

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Yes I definitely get that! Sometimes restlessness is persistent!

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My husband always knows when I have been away from my writing routine for even a minute too long. Apparently, I get grouchy. All I know is that I am unsettled and my thoughts, ideas, and fears are crowded in a mess all screaming for attention. It's not until I sit down with a pen and paper or my computer that they begin to sort themselves out.

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I need to remember this! I think sometimes I let all the other stuff around writing (publishing, success, comparison, the mean inner critic) override the real pleasure and calm it can bring me.

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Organizing. When I feel really restless finding something to organize can actually help me ground. Weird i know! But sometimes it takes me a while to figure out that’s what I need.

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Oh, yes, there is nothing as satisfying when I'm feeling bloopy than cleaning out my closet and throwing lots of stuff away. Or straightening my desk. Not at all weird!

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