Doubtful. The only advantage here is that there is built in community. You have a bit of a lunch table geoup.

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Having people to sit with at lunch is a lot. I'll take it.

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Right now it’s feeling like yet another place to feel inadequate. Hoping it’s just the initial excitement of ex twitterers who want a kinder place to hang out rather than another space to see everyone else being interacted with. Maybe I’m over thinking it 🤪

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Oh, I am the queen of over-thinking, so you're in good company. I'm sort of overwhelmed by the people talking about how they're now making a full-time living from their Substack paid subscribers and I'm like, huh. Okay. What's that like? Feels like new day, same hustle.

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Haha yes! I get that too! There are 2 voices in my head. One going “well that’s just your own lack mindset” and the other going “is this just another pyramid scheme?” 😂

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